Monday, September 8, 2008

:: Life Changes ::

1. I'm going organic. Sure it's more expensive, but I'm going to try and reduce the toxins in our home as much as I can. This potentially could mean new bedsheets and mattress but I spend 1/3 of my time on the mattress!

2. Loading up on fruits and vegetables. There are no shortcuts to nutrition and God's wonderful and thoughtful creations are to be devoured!

3. Read the label before I buy anything, especially food.

4. Being regular about exercise. We've talked about what our normal routine would look like each week - 2 runs, 3 KB sessions, 1 yoga (for me) and 1 aerobic class, our fave being spin right now.

5. Challenging myself physically. Each year Mikee and I will set ourselves a physical goal - that will require training for.

6. Taking time off to smell the roses. i definitely need to do more of that.

7. Be flexible. I havent given stretching much credibility but I think I will. I'm not going to be lazy about stretching anymore - AND i'm going to try out yoga.

8. Be infectious. I'll be vague for now on what that means.

9. Avoid sugar.

10. Giving my body exactly what it needs - like Manna from heaven.


melissa said...

yay yoga! i enjoy it immensely and find it very addictive. :) do keep us posted on how it goes.


Jo said...

i'll let u know soon - going to check it out tmrw! my problem now is there are soooo many types of yoga! help!

melissa said...

i do mainly ashtanga which can get rigorous if you're new to yoga. A beginner's hatha class is probably the most gentle and there are lots in between. If you like to sweat (which i love) then you can also try a hot yoga or bikram many options!

you'll also find that different teachers have different styles/approach. So it's about finding the right fit - style of yoga + teacher. take your time, it's a journey of discovery!

Jo said...

Awesome i'm trying hatha tmrw! And then i'll try ashtanga!

Anonymous said...

I have been doing yoga for more than 1.5 yrs now. I enjoy myself very much. I find it very relaxing and it does wonders to my back. I am also able to substain my weight. I think for effective weight loss, you will need to do more than once a week.

carla said...

9 and 10.

working on those here as well.
