Tuesday, January 5, 2010

:: 2010 ::

The jeans weren't fitting quite right.

Noticeable chubbiness under the cheeks.

Actually got a sore throat!

And wow, I just weighed in at 160 lbs.

But c'mon, honestly, I know EXACTLY what I am doing to myself so why do I need the "tell-tale" signs. I know the darn tale. Heck, I wrote the darn tale! I shouldn't need to be told.

But for those that don't know the tale, here's a quick flash back to2009. I totally accomplished my goal of completing my first marathon in October 09. It was an awesome experience and I still till this day, can't believe that I actually did it! But the completion of a marathon lent itself to considerable pride. It made me feel like I was untouchable - that I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

I am still eating clean and green (yay!) but I've let some vices back into my life - chocolate and bad carbs. Not the occasional chocolate mind you - I've somehow convinced myself that I can whatever chocolate I wanted, even if it wasn't necessarily good chocolate. I let myself eat bread and all the holiday parties, even though I didn't really care for them.

Not like I really need evidence but the fact is - I am now 160 lbs, 10 lbs heavier than I was 6 months ago and feeling crummy. I'm so not untouchable. Really the problem is not chocolate or bread, the problem is pride. I already have head knowledge of what the effects of over-indulgence can be. I already have a change in heart at my attitude towards chocolate, but I am proud, indulgent and willfully in denial. But today, I take full responsibility and blog humbly before you of my very human shortcomings.

My health goal for 2010 is not going to be weight-oriented, its going to be more tangible - I want a visible 6-pack. I've never seen it! Honest! And I'm tired of a weighing-scale goal so I'm going for something more touchy feely. Not sure how I'm going to track this goal but pictures might be the way to go. Expect this blog to get a little bit more fleshy than you're used to.

If you're still reading my blog, I'm so glad you are. Accountability is back on and you guys are a big part of it.

:) Happy New Year!!!


mikee said...

i've seen this resolve before and am looking fwd to seeing the 6 pk. go jo go!

sctemplar3 said...

oh, so you decided? no pregnancy for you! :P

Jo said...

If we decide to have one, the goal will change to be having a healthy baby for 2010. I'm flexible - and a 6pack goal can be delayed for 2011 which will be far more challenging considering post-pregnancy weight can! :)

Angela said...

you can do anything Jo - whatever makes you feel not crummy! When yo'ure ready for weekend hike, give us a shout!

Hazel said...

hey jo, welcome back! i've missed your blog. i think a 6 pack is totally doable. :)