For some reason I thought the 1 year anniversary was today (June 10th), but it really is June 16th! Read the
post from 6/18/2008. How time has flown...
Notice that my goal was to get to 140-150 by the end of 2008 so technically, I am 6 months late. But hey, better late than never! :)
Nutritiohn journey summary: Restrict calories -> Reduce junk(Refined sugars, carbs) -> Eating naturally -> Warrior Diet -> Eating organic veges/grains only -> Eating primal (
Why would you do this?) -> -> Intermittent fasting -> Reducing carbs -> Feelin' good! (Will post my baseline bloodwork results as soon as I get them!)
Exercise journey summary:
Bootcamp > Kettlebell training > Running > 1/2 marathon > Full marathon (10/2009)