Saturday, February 7, 2009

:: MJ Meal Plan 02/07 - 02/13 ::

Mushroom Brown Rice Casserole
Caramelized Onion Dip

Garlicky Greens, Kale

Lentil Almond Stir Fry

Creamy and Crusty White Beans

Miso Soup with Soba

Ma-Po Tofu on 4-grain Brown Rice

Orange pan-glazed tofu on Wheat Berries

:: Day 35 - 2/7/09 Summary ::

Activities: Morning Kettlebell Workout, 40 mins, 321 cal, HRa 131 HRm 148
{double handed swings, 12 kg, 2 min
bicep curls, 8kg, 1 min
double handed swings, 12 kg, 2 min
tricep overhead extensions, 8kg, 1 min
double handed swings, 12 kg, 2 min
Pushups, 1 min
20/20 one hand swings, 12 kg, 1 min}
10 mins x 4 sets = 40 mins

8am: Breakfast blend

- try to eat as little as possible at anyi's birthday -
Fail. Ate a lot. Gonna try and make up for it and hit the gym tonight.

Main meal @ Derek's birthday party
Caramelized Onion Dip

Mushroom Casserole and Eric's Cassoulet


Friday, February 6, 2009

:: The best diarrhea... ever ::

Ok this post might be TMI for some of you. Feel free to ignore.

Ever since I had that bowl of seafood gumbo two days ago, my stomach hasn't been feeling good. I've been hit with diarrhea. But, it really is the best diarrhea ever. I have control over when to go, cramps arent all tooooo bad and in general, still feeling pretty good. Just have to eat clean for awhile to flush out the system.

:: Day 34 - 2/6/09 Summary ::

Activities: 4.0 mile run during lunch, 45 mins. No heart rate data.

Breakfast blend: Apple, carrot, kale, blood orange, cauliflower and a small bowl of oats
Observe how unappetizing the blend looks without the beet. Shudder. It tasted good though!

Day time snacks: Carrots, cauliflower, butter lettuce, nuts and seeds

Main meal @ Pat's

Taught the girls how to make Otsu! We had Mark bittman's cauliflower pasta and Heidi Swanson's edamame soup on the side.

We finished the evening off with frozen yogurt at Christine's shop


Thursday, February 5, 2009

:: Day 33 - 2/5/09 Summary ::

I've been playing the weight game for a while. Yoyo-ing between 160 and the 164 range. Well, it finally happened this morning. Ladies & Gentleman, ding ding ding, jo is weighing in at 159.2 lbs! I know it's just a number but at least I know I can officially get past this hump! Warrior diet and exercising continues to work for me!

Activities:Nothing. Tummy's been feeling queasy all day. I guess the gumbo yesterday just did it in huh?

Usual juice blend

Random snacks at work: 1/3 banana, carrots, lettuce, slice of gouda cheese, seeds, nuts

Main meal @ small group

Bowl of homemade chicken oats, mainly due to the diarrhea


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

:: Day 32 - 02/04/09 - Summary ::

Activities: 5pm interval run, 4.0 miles, 45 mins, 566 cal, HRa 167, HRm 184

Morning: Blend of the regular stuff.

Afternoon snacks: Butter lettuce, a carrot, 1/3 banana, 1/4 cucumber, seeds and nuts

2pm: Bowl of seafood gumbo soup that caused me to break out in hives on my chest. arg.

Main meal @ home
Orange-glazed tofu served on 4 grain rice, prepared by Mikee. It was awesome!!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

:: Day 31 - 02/03/09 - Summary ::

Activities: End of day Run to 24S5 Ep 6

a bowl of couscous vege soup, morning fruit blend with broccoli and kale stalk.

Snacks: 1/3 banana, 1 carrot, 1/4 cucumber, 1 apple, seeds, nuts, raisins

Main meal @ home
Leftovers + Giant Creamy and Crusty Beans

A coldstone ice cream for 2. Even with the chocolate dipped waffle cone. It looks small but it isnt, it was the largest size possible. But hey, no guilt, only pleasure. Mmmmmm


Monday, February 2, 2009

:: Day 30 - 02/02/09 - Summary ::

Activities: Still feeling a pull in my thigh. I might do some stretching and a slow jog after work today.
5pm run, 45 mins, 523 cal, HRa 163, HRm 176

Morning blend with broccoli stalk and cucumber

Random snacks for the day..

Main meal @ home
More couscous vege soup, a few wantons, egg maybe?


Sunday, February 1, 2009

:: Day 29 - 02/01/09 - Summary ::

Activities: Mission Peak Hike. I had 2 days of downtime during the weekdays so we're making it up for it now. Mikee's feeling tired from skiing so we'll see how far we get. We did about 4 miles in 2 hrs. 1000 calories later and feeling awesome!

8am: Morning blend featuring pippin apples. I don't really like to eat pippins straight up but when they're blended, there's a tangy kick!

Random snacks for the day...

Main meal @ home
more homemade wantons + couscous soup
stirfry dandelion greens in tamari and ume vinegar