Weigh-in: I mentioned in a previous post that i"m not a weigh-in nazi anymore. So today I weighed in casually and was surprised to see myself at 170!!! Wow, considering how un-clean things have been (comparitively) I am still reporting progress in the weight department. Not to get complacent though, I am kind of behind schedule.
Oh and ant problems still remain...
Activities: 8-mile run as part of 1/2 marathon training. Gulp. Technically we never even really ran the 7. sigh...
WE DID IT!!! 1 h 58 mins, 1252 cal, HRa 155 HRm 173
Mikee was pretty exhausted from his day of KB + his 11pm ice hockey game so I have to give him map props for being such a trooper and holding a steady pace under the hot son!
Other activities: I brought my "squeaky" running shoes back to the store and they replaced my superfeet. Hopefully the squeakiness will stop.
Mikee also got fitted for brand new running shoes - turns out he's been running in neutral shoes when he needs stability! We're both so thrilled we ended up with NewBalance shoes.
11am: 1/2 cup of odwalla b-monster
1pm: Lunch at tai-wu with our Singaporean friends, Janelyn, KM and baby Kaela
6pm: Dinner #1 at the Benelis - 1/2 burrito + super nachos
8pm: Dinner #2 at Mother-in-Law's - bite size of homecooked chinese food, bite-size cake and ice cream
I FEEL SO SICK. I am never eating again. (Exagerating of course)