Tuesday, August 26, 2008

:: Day 72 - Summary ::

Ditzy reflections: I am a slow runner. Also, my new haircut doesnt really agree with my lifestyle. It's flying everywhere!!!

Activities: 642 cal burnt
4.5 mile run, 53 mins, 642 cal burnt, HRa 165 HRm 172
Funny, I bumped into my dentist twice while I was the loop. Very encouraged to hear she's training for a full marathon!

8am: ABCC Juice, Look at all that gooooodness!!!

2pm: Saida's baby shower cake, banana cake

Main meal @ Bar Tartine,
The Mission, San Francisco
We met Thuyvi and Pietro while we were all on a hot air balloon in Turkey. We're so glad we have kept in touch since and were thrilled to meet up with them tonight!
Tomatoes salad with cucumber

Guinea Hen

Almond ice-cream from Bombay Icecream

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