Wednesday, September 17, 2008

:: Day 94 - Summary ::

Activities: Er... yeah. I'm SO SICK of not moving. I want to move again!!!!

8am: ABC Juice + 3 strawberries + flaxseed meal + 1/3 frozen banana, shared with Mikee
small bowl of freshly made soup!!! :P

12pm: Lunch meeting at work cafeteria
cup of parsnips soup, small salad sans dressing, yogurt and granola

Main meal @ home

I had the boys over and I made homemade veggie soup and brown rice and vege medley in the pressure cooker. Healthy and hearty!


aylin said...

How do you cook banana squash? Can you be my personal chef? =P Your homemade soup looks *so good*! =)

Jo said...

Ok i'll share the recipe on my blog :) I just ripped it off the pressure cooker cookbook actually.