Monday, October 13, 2008

:: soup recipes ::

I don't really have a fixed recipe but the tune goes something like this...

Part A: Making homemade stock
Dump 1 onion, chicken parts (skin removed), carrots, 15 peppercorns into the pressure cooker and cook on first red ring for 30 mins. Let cool naturally. Strain and remove fat.

Part B: Making soup
- Saute 1/2 onion in olive oil until translucent
- Add in 'tougher' vege parts like stems and also squash/potatoes finely chopped
- Pour in homemade stock (3-4 cups)
- Add in the rest of the veges (whatever you have)
- Heat until boiling
- Blend in vitamix blender for desired consistency
- Add raw veges at the end for some extra texture... e.g. sauteed mushrooms, tomatoes, green onions but only blend on low level so you can still see chunks of it :)

Based on this method, it will taste different each time. But oh so much goodness! Props to Tracy Reifkind for getting me started on the pressure cooker and thanks to Dyl for loaning it to me! :)


sctemplar3 said...

many props to jojo for recommending coconut oil. i put it in the rice cooker and my brown rice came out smelling really nice!

Jo said...

oh yes for a more ethnic tasting soup feel free to use coconut oil!

Tracy Reifkind said...

I get props for the pressure cooker, but not the idea of making your own stock? LOL

Jo said...

it was implied! the pressure cooker is solely for making stock! :)

Tracy Reifkind said...


Just wait, I just ordered 2 more PC's, and when you start to use your cooker three times in a couple of hours you'll want another too!

Jo said...

My problem is storage!! I really like those large plastic containers you use - where do you get them?