Wednesday, August 13, 2008

:: Day 59 - Summary ::

Activities: 834 cal
7am KB: 100 swings, 4 TGUs, 4 windmills, 10 burpees, repeat, 45 mins, 380 cal, HRa 132, HRm 151 (OK I know I"m slacking!!! But that 26lb is so darn heavy these days!)
5pm: Turbo Kickboxing at 24 hour fitness, 40 mins, 454 cal, HRa 161, HRm 169, 40 mins (I was feeling kinda sick and stuffy all afternoon and decided to work it off at the gym. It might've worked?)

8am: ABC Juice + strawberries, 1/2 banana

x pm: cabbage salad with cantaloupe dressed with tracy rif's egg/mustard dressing (recipe here)
(ohmigosh, i LOVE this dressing!!!, ps i also substituted sugar for honey)

Main meal @ KABUL Afghani Cuisine (Mum's farewell dinner)

Salad, Stewed pumpkin, lawang, kadu, grilled salmon etc. I was good and loaded up on salad, veges and some protein and totally spared the rice. Phew.


Derek said...

whoa! didn't know your mum was back in town and now leaving. wish her well for me! :)

Jo said...

just for a couple of days. she's leaving tonight! and i will def send your regards.

Iris said...

A big finish push!!! You can do it!!!

Jo said...
