Thursday, August 14, 2008

:: Day 60 - Summary ::

Woohoo I lost 23 lbs in 60 days!!! And I've also finally broken the 178 barrier! Not by alot but it feels great to move past that hump. The bad news is I leave for Toronto tmrw... sigh.

Activities: 521 cal
7am: HOC - ARGH I dragged my ass on this and never got started! I'll try to make it up later... I think i'm losin' the sizzle for double workouts.
630pm: Spin Class @ 24 hr (eProps to Susan, Iris & Mikee for keeping me accountable to this!!), 56 mins, 521 cal, HRa 144 HRm 162

8am: ABC juice shared with Aylin

12 pm: Egg Mustard salad with delicious goodness, handful of almonds

Main meal @ home
Raw vege soup, herby chicken oats, leftover veges rinsed in water (LOW SODIUM diet for the last week), organic cocoa rice crispies


Take One Stripper Pole said...

Wow ... has it really been 60 days ... times flies! Enjoy your trip to Toronto and be good!

aylin said...

What are herby chicken oats? Can you bring in a small taste of the organic cocoa rice krispies for me to try, please?

Jo said...

Yes I'll bring in both for you to try :)