Sunday, August 24, 2008

:: Day 70 - Summary ::

Turbo Kickboxing at a gym is the girl you wanna date but Kettlebell training is the girl you want to marry.

Activities: 265 cal burnt
11am: 2 mile fast run, 22 mins, 265 cal burnt, HRa 161 HRm 174
You're going to be seeing alot more running in the activities section in the next 2 months since we're running a half marathon in San Jose. For the off days I plan to supplement with KB. I'm working on my half marathon training schedule and will have something up in a few days.
2pm: Helping Aylin move back to Berkeley

9am: 1 apple, a few almonds

ABCC juice + 2 soft boiled eggs, dash of sea salt

I love ABCC JUICE!!! Can you tell???

Farewell meal @ SeaSalt with Aylin (Bye AYLIN!!! I'll miss you!!!)

$1 oysters @ Happy hour!

Heirloom tomatoes with fresh mozarella and siquil-P'ak (ohmigosh one of the most delicious salads EVER)

Fish & Shellfish Stew

Blueberry pie with apricot sorbet

Bye Aylin!

1 comment:

aylin said...

Aww, bye! =(

PS. I love your ABC Juice thumbs up Live Simply shirt! It's so cute. That should go on the inside cover/flap of your secret project. ;-)