Saturday, September 13, 2008

:: Day 90 - Summary ::

Ankle update: Er... very swollen. Mikee got me crutches so we wouldnt put any weight on it. I fought him on it for awhile because I hate looking like i'm disabled but at the end of the day, I had to thank him.

Nutrition reflections:
It's one of those days I decided to "eat like a normal person". This is particularly important when we're spending time with friends especially since they will be leaving the united states soon. I basically had to chuck my philosophies at the door so i wouldnt come off as a nutrition prude. I feel the weight of my actions and tmrw I'm detoxing - live veges and fruits only.

Hobbling around Half Moon Bay on crutches. I also had an awesome 2 hour nap on Pomponio beach and spent the day hanging out with the Sihoes.

ABC Juice + 1 kashi blueberry waffle

1pm: Picnic lunch at Pomponio beach provided by the si-hoes.
1/2 chicken sandwich, various salads, chips, chicken fingers, fresh fruit, arizona iced tea

4pm: Shared dessert with Mikee and Sihoes at Moonside Bakery
1 carrot cake, 1 cinnamon crisp, 2 cookies (shared 4-way)

6pm: Dinner @ Santa Ramen
1 kurobata ramen split with Mikee (incidentally the best ramen ever), 1 piece agadeshi tofu, 1 piece karage, a few edamames

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