Friday, February 27, 2009

:: Day 55- 2/27/09 - Summary ::

Activities: It's a surprise...and here it is!
Some variation of the prison workout... Yes, be afraid. Be very afraid.
4pm, Prison Workout, 480 cal, 40 mins
Ladder 20/2 for Burpees/Tricep extensions
Random other prison exercises...

8am: Morning blend... chard, cucumber, apple, carrot, strawberry

Random snacks for the day: No snacks, I'm fasting. Snicker... betcha didn't see this coming. heh.

Main meal @ home

Cottage cheese muffins

Chicken with rice, easy way


Hazel said...

you are right! You ARE talking to yourself. heehee

Nici said...

that prison workout looks awesome. I'll probably try it when I gain a bit more strength.

Jo said...

it was intense, the burpees part, and i feel like i almost blacked out in the end!!