Saturday, February 28, 2009

:: Day 56- 2/28/09 - Summary ::

Activities: 2pm Mission Peak Hike, loaded with 15lb for our trip training.
Ascent: 1:15 Woohoo!!!
Total calories: 1459 cal, HRa 166, HRm 177

11am: Brunch with Cristina and Marc @ St Michael's Alley
We split a St Mike's omelette and a toasted almond pancake.

4pm: Party at Mission Peak summit. Mikee surprised me with a chocolate buffet! Great way to use up the chocolate we got from Europe last year that is expiring!!

7pm: Dinner at MIL's place
Ooohh lala. this was good. so good.... I devoured every single dish but stayed clear of the white rice.


Nici said...

Wow, that's awesome. I wish it was nice here so I could go hiking....actually, I wish I knew somewhere to go hiking Good job!! You're doing great!!

Jo said...

Where are you based in Nici? We're very blessed to have lots of great hiking places accessible here. It gets pretty tedious staying in the gym all the time...

Although we really had fun snowshoeing up in Canada last year!