Monday, June 30, 2008

:: Week 2 weigh-in ::

I'll be honest, I so did not want to weigh in today. It gets discouraging week after week not seeing your name on the scoreboard. I know that I'm doing the right thing for my body and my own personal goals but i still cant help but feel demotivated... Anyways, i weighed in at 194 lbs. Not bad for 2 weeks. Not much fluctuation in the last few days but I do feel alot stronger.


Take One Stripper Pole said...

Hang in there! I know it is frustrating! Oh and the windmill is super fun!

Jo said...

thanks TOSP!!!

Iris said...

2 weeks and 6 pounds is GREAT!!! Don't be discouraged. No one is doing it the right way, like you are. This is a life change, not a temporary change. You are doing awesome!

Jo said...

thanks iris!!! u're one of my biggest supporters!