Tuesday, July 1, 2008

:: back in the game!!! ::

This is the scoreboard for this week. I'm on the scoreboard!!! Not bad for having 1 week less than everyone else!!

This week’s Big Losers:
1st: Jan
2nd: Tied between Mark and ME!
Honorable mention: Jenny

Overall Big Losers**:
1st: Jenny
2nd: Mark
3rd: Jan
Honorable mention: ME!
* Names have been changed for confidentiality reasons.


Joe Sarti said...

Awesome, keep moving. PS Is that run on a treadmill? If so, consider doing a hard walk with the ramp higher, will probably be easier on your body physically and you wil certainly burn mucho calories ;-)

Jo said...

Hey there! I dont use a treadmill, I run outdoors in our neighborhood. But the walk-hard on a ramp thing sounds like a good idea.

I'll be doing alot of that this saturday when we go hike mt tallac in tahoe! :)

Hao said...

Woo hoo!!! You go!

TeacherinHeels said...
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Jo said...

Thanks!! Is that you TOSP? Someone gave me an angelcot at work today, I was soooo happy!

Take One Stripper Pole said...

Let's try that again ... Way to go Jo! Woo Hoo! Doing my happy dance for you. Keep it up!

So glad you got an angelcot at work ... I have three more to go.

Anonymous said...

Great job! Keep up the good work! Hope this will motivate you further.. Remember slow & steady.