Saturday, July 26, 2008

:: Day 41 - Summary ::

7:00am Morning run 4.0 miles, 51 mins, 600 cal burnt
1:00pm Scrubbing the bathrooms and kitchen tiles
3:15pm Kb Max VO2, 10 mins, 120 cal burnt

I love Saturdays. Mikee and I will spend the mornings together doing some form of physical activity and then head out to the farmer's market together. Today, we decided to do a bit of an endurance and run 4.0 miles. I know that's noting compared to what Derek runs but it was an achievement for us - the most we've ever run! And we felt pretty strong after that! My mum heard about my predicament with the heart rate monitor and bought one for herself, but "loaned" it to me until I figure things out. Thanks mum!!!

Kb Max VO2: Work sets w/12kg
7 snatch R, 15 sec work,
15 sec. rest
7 snatch L, 15 sec work,
15 sec rest
x 10 sets = 10 min. total
Calories burned: 120 cal, HRm 175 HRa 169

snack 1: vege fruit drink (shared with Mikee)
2 carrots, 1 fuji apple, 1 granny smith, ginger, 1/2 broccoli, handful of blueberries. Mucho more delicious than the last 2 drinks I made. Thanks to increase in apples and decrease in broccoli. You have to do what you have to do so that your husband will consume it.

snack 2 Leftover vege drink, 1/2 cup of strawberry kefir (Found it at Trader JOe'! YUM!!!)

Main meal: Korea House with Steve & Nan
Romaine lettuce, soon dobu (spicy tofu stew), fish cakes, seaweed, pickled vegetables, some of Mikee's bbq beef, 2 tsp of rice

Dessert at Frozo's Frozen yougurt: I was good and only had 1/2 cup

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