Monday, August 4, 2008

:: Day 50 - Summary ::

All systems go?
Today I'm visiting my doctor to get bloodwork done. Hopefully all the internal stats will look good, to complement the external stats :)

Activities: 926 cal burnt
6am bootcamp, interval weight training, 60 mins, 535 cal burnt, HRa 138 HRm 170
5pm Swing volume workout + TGU, 45 mins, 391 cal burnt, HRa 138 HRm 155 (felt very lazy doing this one...)

10am: ABC Juice (Have to fast until after the blood test)

12pm: Carrot sticks, 1 organic cheese string

raw vege soup

Main meal:
raw vege soup, cooked veges, mikee's chicken, quinoa

1 comment:

mikee said...

i especially like the rubbermaid made in usa bottle. :) :)