Friday, August 8, 2008

:: Day 54 - Summary ::

6am: bootcamp, 500 calories
3pm: something in the gym...

8am: ABC Juice, for some reason, it was soooo smooth today! delicious!

2pm: Freshly squeezed Juice from Mother's Kitchen in Laguna Hills, expensive but worth it
50% carrot, apple, pear, celery, beet

Main meal: Jon & Sabrina's Wedding Dinner at the Ritz Carlton
In terms of food, this was probably _the_ best I've ever had. I cant even begin to describe it. The couple are also winelovers so they made sure they paired each entree with their favorite wines. Now, that's class. And yes, I had cake.

And dreamy location or what??

1 comment:

Adam & Susan said...

looks like a great day! what a spectacular site!!