Tuesday, July 8, 2008

:: Day 23 - Summary ::

I didn't touch Belle yesterday so I told myself I would punish myself today. And I did. I deserve it! And i decided not to be a wuss and picked up the 26lb. Dang, it's heavy. We did our mugshots today, wow, theres are two hollowed-out areas at the side of my abdomens!!! Could it be that kettlebell did this for me? I'm loving it!!! Now I just have to keep working on that front pouch of fat.

Activities: 46 mins, 480 cal burnt, HRm 158, HRa, 150
2 min double handed swing (16lb), 1 min double handed swing (26lb), 1 min snatches (R), 1 min snatches (L), 1 min rest {repeat until i am exhausted}

Breakfast: 385 cal
3 slices flaxseed bread 150 cal
1/4 banana 25 cal
ovalmaltine spread 20 cal
2 half boiled eggs with 1 egg yolk 150 cal
1/4 cup smoothie 45 cal

Mid-morning snack: 55 cal

1 angelcot

Lunch: 400 cal

1 1/2 oz quinoa 75 cal
tofu casserole with fish paste 275 cal
veges 50 cal

Afternoon snack: 120 cal

1 kashi granola bar 120 cal

Dinner: 450 cal

Sweet potatoes steamed with minced chicken, 240 cal
Veges 50 cal
2 oz quinoa 90 cal
1/2 skinny vow 70 cal

Total calorie intake: 1410 cal

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