Wednesday, July 9, 2008

:: Day 24 - Summary ::

2.0 mile run: 25:27 mins 327 cal, HRa 170 HRm 177
26 mins bootcamp: 209 cal, HRa 129 HRm 150
48 mins kb: 482 cal burnt, HRa 147 HRm 164
Total calories burnt: 1018 cal (I decided at 10pm tonight that I wanted to burn 1000 calories today. And I did!)

1 swig of smoothie 30 cal

Breakfast: 340 cal

2 slices of flaxseed bread 100 cal
2 egg whites, soft boiled 120 cal
1 tsp bovril 10 cal
1 cup of soy milk 110 cal

Mid-morning snack:
2 angel cots 110 cal

Lunch: 440 cal
Sweet potatoes steamed with minced chicken, 240 cal
Veges 100 cal
Eggplants 20 cal
2 bites of a turkey cheddar sandwich 80 cal

Mid-afternoon snack: 120 cal
1 kashi granola bar 120 cal

Dinner: 330 cal
2 crackers 30 cal
Shirataki noodles with fish cakes and vegetables 300 cal

Post workout: 15 cal

1/3 bottle of smart water

Total caloric intake: 1385 cal

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