Friday, July 11, 2008

:: the spirit ::

So I found out the strategy of one of the guys in the lead for the biggest loser challenge. Check it: Eat only lunch each day, get plenty of caffeine (coffee) and nicotine (smoke cigarettes) to suppress appetite.

Er... so technically that is not against the rules of the competition, but isn't that kind against the whole spirit??? I.e. get fit and healthy? I mean, this pisses me off because everyone else is working towards a more healthy lifestyle and this guy might just win because of coffee + ciggies. I'll admit no official breaking of rules but I'm allowed to rant.

Thoughts anyone?


Iris said...

Yeah, what happened to the spirit of this competition? Shouldn't it be about health?

Maybe he won't make it all the way through because his body will get too weak?

Hao said...

This makes me so sad. It's against everything I believe in. His poor body...

Even if he makes it to the end and wins the competition, you've already won in my book, Jo.

Jo said...

Gotta keep the eye on my prize ... a long and healthy life. :)

Anonymous said...

That is the correct spirit JOANNA!

Anonymous said...

yeah that is sort of sad eh. I think that is one of the problems with these competitions. they can be so great to motivate people like yourself but then idiots like this can so easily ruin them.

you are doing the right thing and maybe if you are lucky his plot will back fire. They should have a follow up prize for people that maintain a year later. my bets are that you will and he won't!

Jo said...

weelittleme: I do hope I can get people to commit to a 2nd round of biggest loser which will be committed to maintenance/more weight loss over an extended period of time. you read my mind!