Monday, July 28, 2008

:: Sprint to the Finish ::

Alright, so given I am currently in the lead, I might have a shot at this prize. So i'm going to give it my ALL but no matter what happens on game day - I am walking away a winner. As Susan recommended, I have become more deliberate about my training regime, especially since I have 2 out-of-town weddings coming up. Kudos also to Susan for giving me more ideas about different types of KB workouts.


mikee said...

i am so impressed by your continued discipline and persistence to give it your 100%. truly an accomplishment!

Jo said...

it's going to be a TOUGH 3 weeks!!!

Take One Stripper Pole said...

Oh when you are in LS ... depending on the part ... you should go work out with the KBLA crew. :) Also you have the best husband ever!

Take One Stripper Pole said...

LA not LS ... I can not type!

Jo said...

Oh cool can you send me info on where they work out etc? I havent actually been to a group kb session so it would be totally cool!!!

Derek said...

keep it going! i really like what you wrote: you are already a winner!